Open Doors: Conversations with Heart of the Father

Written on Our Hearts: A Fresh Look at Jeremiah with Jenn Lozano and Jacqueline Harper

Heart of the Father Episode 24

Grab a cuppa and enjoy some time with Jacqueline and Jenn as they continue our Lenten series, reflecting upon Jeremiah 31:31-34 where the word ‘covenant’ is mentioned four times.

Jeremiah, the weeping prophet, felt so sad about the condition of his people. Amidst Israel’s failure, he offered hope – a promise that God would forgive all our sins and remember them no more.

In the Old Covenant, people couldn’t uphold their end of the things, so God made a new covenant – one people can keep.

In the new covenant, everything is simplified. Jesus Himself is the new covenant, the law made flesh, offering the cup of His blood. Jesus walked the road to his death and resurrection and we also walk it in relationship with him.

God writes His law on our hearts through the Holy Spirit. In the Old Covenant, the law was external, but now it’s alive inside of us. Just like our beating hearts pump blood through our bodies, the Holy Spirit infuses us.

How does God “remember our sin no more?” When God looks at us, He sees His son. He is already seeing what’s going to happen through His son. The criteria for the new covenant is not circumcision or the law, it was relationship with God through Jesus by declaring that Jesus is Lord.

Hear Jacqueline’s story of her progression of faith in college and listen to Jenn as she closes with Joel 2:12-13 where we are exhorted to return to God with our whole heart.

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Release: March 2024
Music by Christian Harper
Artwork by Rosemary Strohm
Production by Jacqueline Harper

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