Open Doors: Conversations with Heart of the Father

Free to Be Holy Book Study Week 2: Excellently Accessible to Us with Jenn Lozano, Janet Lozano, and Jacqueline Harper

Heart of the Father Season 3 Episode 27

“The J’s are in the house” this week as Jenn and Janet Lozano along with Jacqueline Harper sum up Chapters Three and Four of Matt Lozano’s book Free to Be Holy.

“Reading Chapter 3 was like going into the throne room. I just encountered the Lord,” said Jenn.

God is totally other – completely unique and excellent in every way. And yet He’s excellently accessible to us!

Jesus carried the world’s sin on the cross, but it didn’t change Him. He emanated perfect excellent love.

Listen to Janet describe an Unbound conference in Poland where she profoundly experienced God’s presence, giving her courage to intercept security guards and minister to someone in desperate need.

Learn what we can do to see God with the eyes of our heart, plus three aspects of God’s grace. Discover the difference between guilt and shame.

Picture Matt seeing the stars unhindered while on a camping trip to West Virginia. Compare that to Unbound ministry, where a filter is removed allowing someone to see God’s love, presence, his activity in their lives.

If you haven’t yet read Free to Be Holy, check it out. Go somewhere quiet, sit down, and expect an encounter with God. At the very least, listen to this podcast!

“There is always more to see,” writes Matt.

Find Matt's book Free to Be Holy
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Release: April 2024
Music by Christian Harper
Artwork by Rosemary Strohm
Production by  Henry Aquino

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