Open Doors: Conversations with Heart of the Father

Like Heart Surgery: ¡Liberado en México! with Matt Lozano and Gilbert Rodriguez

Heart of the Father Season 3 Episode 19

Join Matt Lozano and Gilbert Rodriguez as they share details from the Freedom In Christ conference held in San Juan, Mexico, last summer.

Gilbert is Associate Director of Adult Faith Formation in the New York Archdiocese and has extensive ministry experience. He helps run Freedom in Christ conferences in Spanish. Gilbert tells of first benefitting from Unbound ministry in 2012 and how he was set free from fear. He continued on to make major life decisions, including a marriage proposal!

We hear Matt extol the hospitality of the Mexican people and the goodness of heart he witnessed there, saying, “The Father’s blessing is imbedded in them.”

Stories are shared about individuals set free through Unbound prayer with joy, even to the point of abounding laughter! Gilbert relates a funny memory involving caramel at a Cathedral and Matt follows up with a tale about a stolen Rolex watch. We even learn of a skeptical priest who was won over, saying the Unbound session he witnessed was “like heart surgery!”

This encouraging episode reminds us that Unbound ministry is growing amidst our southern neighbors in Mexico. Listen and enjoy!

Release: February 2024
Music by Christian Harper
Artwork by Rosemary Strohm
Production by Jacqueline Harper

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