Open Doors: Conversations with Heart of the Father

Sight and Salvation on the Sabbath with Matt and Jenn Lozano

Heart of the Father Season 3 Episode 23

What a treat to hear Matt and Jenn Lozano together for Week Four of our Lenten series as they cover the story in John 9 about Jesus’ healing a man born blind!

Jesus makes room in His day to heal this man and he does the same for us!

During Lent, we consider the darkness and undergo self-reflection. Why is there so much brokenness in the world? We join the disciples in asking Jesus why bad things happen.

In the Scriptures, the Torah conveys the idea of divine retribution, but then we see righteous Job questioning God about suffering. God’s answer to Job, coupled with Jesus’ reply to the disciples in John 9 shows that suffering allows the works God to be made visible. “That’s the why,” says Matt. We all are blind and Jesus is doing something in time that gives us sight.

God created light on the first day but brings salvation on the seventh day – the day of rest. Jesus proclaims His kingdom on the Sabbath by doing things like restoring sight to the blind and casting out demons.

Just as the blind man received mud on his eyes and obediently went to the pool of Siloam, we each can be touched by Jesus and we too can participate in our own healing. Learn what the word “Siloam” means and how that applies to each of us!

At Lent we live in the darkness, knowing that sight is coming. The answer is Jesus – He is the Light of the World!

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Release: March 2024
Music by Christian Harper
Artwork by Rosemary Strohm
Production by Henry Aquino

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